What were the encountered challenges and difficulties?

The company was facing some challenges in its internal processes documentation, communication, and accessibility. One of the main challenges was the manual entries and the manual data collection from all sites and statistics. We all know that manual processes will include double entries, which may lead to some unnecessary errors. And above all, manual entries are time-consuming and require a lot of administrative work.

Moreover, the company faced another problem with its data and documentation management. With each entry, a new file was created, thus multiplying the number of archived files and sometimes leading to the loss of old documents (ISO certifications, internal audits, work instructions and procedures, etc.). With so many desktop tool documents and files, traceability and old versions/history of all the documents were lost. In addition, this group is based in multiple countries and cities, which will eventually lead to enormous email exchanges to treat and document many information and audits.

The company was facing another problem related to the non-existent communication between their different systems and software (HRIS, ERP, etc.). This non-communication made the search for information related to HR or any other department quite tedious and increasing administrative work, leading to unnecessary time spent on such tasks.

And, last but not least, with multiple sites and multiple departments with different and various actions and objectives the company found itself with a multitude of action plans. This was not helping with fast decision-making and with all the various documents everywhere, this resulted in the lack of traceability and other managerial difficulties.

Therefore, with all these challenges and difficulties, the company wanted to find a solution to interconnect their entire system, reduce administrative tasks, centralize all the information, standardize practices, enable fast and strategic decision-making thanks to the real-time data feeding the KPIs, and improve their document management system.

This is when the company’s general management decided to rely on BlueKanGo to help them implement an Integrated Management System.

What were the solutions provided by BlueKanGo?

BlueKanGo took the challenge to provide and develop, in collaboration with the company, all the necessary and dedicated applications to successfully implement an efficient IMS.
The client has profoundly appreciated that all the development was made by BlueKanGo’s development team and not by a third intermediate party.

Therefore, a single digital platform with its integrated electronic document management (EDM) system allows the centralization and pooling of all information. All the versions of a certain procedure or work instructions are thus found in one single place and accessible by all the desired users. The effective implementation of an EDM will allow the traceability of all the documents/procedures, and above all comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. The platform also includes a search engine, which allows users to quickly find a certain document according to certain keywords entered.

With all the data and information stored on one single platform, this will greatly reduce email exchanges. In addition, individualized and secure access is provided for all the various users (employees, suppliers and customers) with different accessibility rights. This accessibility gave the opportunity to all the different facilities of the company in various locations to have the same information localized in a single place, and communication between them was made much easier. Additionally, automatic alerts and notifications allowed fast corrective measures and actions to be taken.

BlueKanGo’s digital platform helped the company with fast and strategic decision-making thanks to BI reports and feeding the implemented KPIs and statistical modules. This will allow global monitoring of all the company’s assets and actions. In addition, all actions are now managed through ONE global action plan which is automatically updated and fed by all the newly implemented procedures and corrective actions.

Interfacing, communication, and interactions with other system software (ERP, HRIS, etc.) are made available with BlueKanGo’s platform. Exporting and importing data from and to the digital platform is intuitive and fast. This allowed a great decrease in administrative tasks and precious time is saved during the process.

By implementing an integrated management system, BlueKanGo helped the client by bringing together the Quality, Safety, Health, and Environmental processes. This allowed for well-prepared internal and external audits via digital forms and pre-configured checklists, efficient planning (for audits and other necessary activities), better management reviews, and continuous improvement. Moreover, self-assessment modules are available especially to maintain or get new certifications. In the case of ISO standards 9001, 14001 and 45001 which are obtained by the client, some requirements are transversal. When preparing for an audit, it is possible to fulfill each requirement and if it is equivalent to another standard, it will be automatically completed.

Finally, thanks to BlueKanGo’s digital platform, at least 25% of the HSEQ department’s time is saved!


BlueKanGo allowed the client to implement a successful integrated management system by relying on a digital tool.

Other than the application of IMS brought by BlueKanGo, other companies from the Oil & Gas industry can benefit from it and many other applications, such as:

Digitized and pre-configured forms accessible with tablets and smartphones will allow achieving certain tasks and actions in the field, feeding directly the global action plan and the KPIs.

If the digital implementation of the Integrated Management System interests you, discover our application:


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